400+ Spider Names: Cool, Funny, and Unique Ideas for Your Pet Spider

Welcome to the world of spider names! Spiders are amazing creatures with all kinds of unique looks and traits. Whether you love spiders, need a name for a pet spider, or just enjoy learning new things, you’re in the right place. In this guide, you’ll find a list of cool and interesting names for spiders that reflect their special qualities. Explore our list and find the perfect name, or just have fun discovering more about these incredible creatures!

Interesting Facts About Spiders

  • Many Legs: Spiders have eight legs, unlike insects, which have six.
  • Web Builders: Most spiders spin webs to catch food, though some don’t use webs at all.
  • Silk Producers: Spiders produce silk from special glands, which they use for webs, nests, and even to travel.
  • Varied Sizes: Spiders come in all sizes, from tiny ones smaller than a pinhead to large ones with leg spans of over 10 inches.
  • Different Diets: Most spiders eat insects, but some can catch small animals or even other spiders.

Unique Spider Names

Unique spider names can be inspired by their characteristics, species, or popular culture. For instance, names like “Webber,” “Venom,” or “Shadow” reflect a spider’s ability to spin webs or its mysterious nature. You could also choose unique names based on spider types, like “Orb” for orb-weavers or “Tarantella” for tarantulas. Such  names can make your spider feel special while highlighting their fascinating traits.

Unique Spider Names
  • Webster – A nod to their web-weaving skills.
  • Silk – For the smooth silk of their webs.
  • Spinner – Reflecting their spinning abilities.
  • Tarantula – A name inspired by the famous spider species.
  • Creeper – Highlighting their stealthy movement.
  • Spinneret – Named after the organ that produces silk.
  • Arachnid – A term for spiders, making it a fitting name.
  • Silkstone – Combining silk with strength.
  • Shadow – For their often elusive nature.
  • Loom – Inspired by their web-making skills.
  • Webby – A playful take on their web-producing trait.
  • Creeps – For their ability to move quietly.
  • Mister Silk – A classy name for a sophisticated spider.
  • Shadowfax – For a spider that moves as quietly as a shadow.
  • Whisper – Reflecting their silent movements.
  • Tarantella – A fun twist on the tarantula name.
  • Netter – Inspired by their web-making.
  • Mystic – For a spider with a mysterious aura.
  • Spindle – For its web-spinning prowess.
  • Twilight – For a spider seen mainly at dusk.
  • Strider – For a spider that moves with grace.
  • Cobweb – A classic reference to their web.
  • Web Weaver – Emphasizing their web-building.
  • Loomis – A twist on their web-making ability.
  • Silken – Highlighting the texture of their silk.
  • Sable – For a spider with dark, sleek features.
  • Gossamer – For a delicate, ethereal spider.
  • Velvet – For a soft, elegant spider.
  • Nebula – For a spider with a cosmic allure.
  • Spindle – Inspired by their web-spinning skills.

Funny Spider Names

Funny spider names can add a playful touch to these eight-legged creatures. Names like “Mr. Wiggles,” “Leggy McLegface,” or “Webster” bring humor by focusing on their unique features, like their many legs or web-making skills. Choosing a funny name can make spiders seem less scary and more fun!

Funny Spider Names
  • Binky – A cute and silly name.
  • Jumpy – For a spider that hops around.
  • Spidey – A playful nod to Spider-Man.
  • Tickles – For a spider that tickles the funny bone.
  • Nibbles – Perfect for a spider with a nibbling habit.
  • Wiggles – For a spider that moves in a wiggly way.
  • Squeaky – For a spider that makes funny noises.
  • Chubbs – A funny name for a plump spider.
  • Fuzzball – For a spider with a fluffy appearance.
  • Boink – A quirky, fun name.
  • Giggles – For a spider that brings laughter.
  • Pip – A short, snappy name.
  • Bubbles – For a spider with a bubbly personality.
  • Wobble – For a spider that sways as it moves.
  • Fluffy – A humorous take on a spider’s appearance.
  • Squeak – For a spider that squeaks.
  • Wigglebutt – A funny name for a wiggly spider.
  • Zippy – For a spider that’s quick and lively.
  • Wobblekins – A playful twist on their movement.
  • Noodle – For a spider that moves like a noodle.
  • Twitchy – For a spider with twitchy movements.
  • Squishy – A funny name for a soft spider.
  • Puff – For a spider with a puffed-up appearance.
  • Doodle – A cute, silly name.
  • Twizzle – For a spider with a twirling motion.
  • Sprinkles – For a spider with a sprinkle of charm.
  • Snickers – A name that brings a smile.
  • Gizmo – For a spider that’s full of surprises.
  • Zest – For a lively and enthusiastic spider.
  • Jellybean – A sweet and funny name.

Names Inspired by Spider Traits

Names inspired by spider traits can highlight their special features. For example, “Spinner” reflects their web-making skills, while “Venom” points to their bite. Names like “Creeper” or “Silk” emphasize their quiet movements and smooth webs, capturing their unique abilities.

  • Fang – For a spider with impressive fangs.
  • Claws – Highlighting their predatory nature.
  • Stinger – For spiders with venomous bites.
  • Gossamer – Reflecting the delicate nature of their silk.
  • Venom – For a spider with a potent bite.
  • Glide – For a spider that moves smoothly.
  • Pounce – For a spider that jumps on its prey.
  • Webster – Reflecting their web-weaving skills.
  • Creeper – For a spider that moves stealthily.
  • Silken – Emphasizing the silk they produce.
  • Twister – For a spider with a twisting motion.
  • Crawler – For a spider that moves slowly and steadily.
  • Spinner – Reflecting their web-spinning abilities.
  • Tarantula – A name inspired by a well-known spider species.
  • Loomis – For a spider that creates complex webs.
  • Netter – Inspired by their web-making.
  • Shadow – For a spider that hides in the dark.
  • Viper – For a spider with a venomous bite.
  • Webby – A playful nod to their web-making.
  • Mystic – For a spider with a mysterious presence.
  • Glimmer – For a spider with a shimmering web.
  • Spark – For a spider with a bright, lively presence.
  • Twilight – For a spider seen mainly at dusk.
  • Echo – For a spider that moves silently.
  • Blaze – For a spider with striking features.
  • Storm – For a spider with a fierce personality.
  • Dusk – For a spider that’s active in the evening.
  • Zephyr – For a spider that moves like a gentle breeze.
  • Specter – For a ghostly or elusive spider.
  • Phantom – For a spider that’s hard to spot.

Cool Spider Names

Cool spider names can make your spider sound impressive and unique. Names like “Shadow,” “Fang,” or “Viper” give them a fierce and mysterious vibe. Choosing a cool name can reflect their stealthy, powerful nature, making them stand out.

Cool Spider Names
  • Vortex – For a spider with a whirlwind of energy.
  • Nebula – For a spider with a cosmic vibe.
  • Zephyr – For a spider that moves like the wind.
  • Raven – For a dark and mysterious spider.
  • Phoenix – For a spider with a fiery presence.
  • Echo – For a spider that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Nova – For a spider with a stellar appearance.
  • Comet – For a spider that shines brightly.
  • Orion – Named after the constellation for a star-like spider.
  • Blaze – For a spider with a fiery personality.
  • Nebula – For a spider with a cosmic charm.
  • Frost – For a spider with a cool demeanor.
  • Solar – For a spider with a bright, energetic presence.
  • Saber – For a spider with sharp features.
  • Glimmer – For a spider that sparkles.
  • Cosmo – For a spider with a universe-like presence.
  • Tornado – For a spider that’s full of energy.
  • Echo – For a spider with a lasting effect.
  • Shadow – For a spider that hides in the dark.
  • Titan – For a large or impressive spider.
  • Vortex – For a spider with a powerful presence.
  • Jet – For a sleek, fast-moving spider.
  • Rogue – For a spider with a rebellious spirit.
  • Blizzard – For a spider with a frosty appearance.
  • Stellar – For a spider with a star-like quality.
  • Phantom – For a ghostly or elusive spider.
  • Striker – For a spider with a sharp bite.
  • Ranger – For a spider that explores its surroundings.
  • Blitz – For a spider with quick movements.
  • Eclipse – For a spider that stands out in the dark.

Male Spider Names

Here are some names that might suit your male spider:

  • Arachnus – A classic name for a spider.
  • Webster – Perfect for a web-weaving spider.
  • Silk – For a spider known for its silk.
  • Fang – Reflecting their fangs.
  • Shadow – For a stealthy spider.
  • Spindle – For its web-spinning skills.
  • Strider – For a spider that moves gracefully.
  • Tarantula – Named after the famous spider species.
  • Claws – Highlighting its predatory traits.
  • Creeper – For a spider that sneaks around.
  • Venom – For a spider with a potent bite.
  • Loomis – Inspired by their web-making abilities.
  • Netter – For its web-spinning.
  • Mystic – For a spider with a mysterious vibe.
  • Gossamer – For a delicate spider.
  • Blaze – For a spider with fiery characteristics.
  • Raven – For a dark and intriguing spider.
  • Vortex – For a spider with dynamic energy.
  • Phoenix – For a spider with a fiery presence.
  • Nebula – For a spider with a cosmic allure.
  • Zephyr – For a spider that moves like the wind.
  • Ranger – For a spider that explores.
  • Storm – For a spider with a fierce personality.
  • Titan – For a large or impressive spider.
  • Jet – For a sleek and fast spider.
  • Glimmer – For a spider that sparkles.
  • Echo – For a spider that makes an impression.
  • Saber – For a spider with sharp features.
  • Blizzard – For a spider with a cool demeanor.
  • Orion – Named after the constellation for a star-like spider.

Female Spider Names

These names might be just right for your female spider:

  • Aranea – A name meaning “spider” in Latin.
  • Charlotte – After the famous spider from “Charlotte’s Web.”
  • Bella – Meaning “beautiful,” fitting for a lovely spider.
  • Silk – For her silk-spinning skills.
  • Gossamer – Reflecting her delicate web.
  • Luna – For a spider with a moon-like presence.
  • Venus – Named after the goddess of beauty.
  • Mystique – For a mysterious spider.
  • Twilight – For a spider active at dusk.
  • Jewel – For a spider with a sparkling web.
  • Serena – Meaning “calm,” for a peaceful spider.
  • Violet – For a spider with a gentle charm.
  • Shadow – For a spider that prefers the dark.
  • Ember – For a spider with a fiery touch.
  • Sapphire – For a spider with striking features.
  • Aurora – For a spider with a bright presence.
  • Nimble – For a quick and agile spider.
  • Breeze – For a spider that moves gracefully.
  • Daisy – A sweet name for a charming spider.
  • Frost – For a spider with a cool demeanor.
  • Celeste – Meaning “heavenly,” for a beautiful spider.
  • Raven – For a dark and mysterious spider.
  • Ivy – For a spider that climbs well.
  • Lily – A name that reflects elegance.
  • Cleo – Short for Cleopatra, for a regal spider.
  • Willow – For a spider that moves with grace.
  • Amber – For a spider with warm hues.
  • Eclipse – For a spider that stands out in the dark.
  • Jasmine – A sweet and fragrant name.
  • Aurora – For a spider with a dazzling appearance.

Spider Names from Mythology

These mythological names are perfect for a spider with a legendary vibe:

  • Arachne – After the Greek mythological spider.
  • Athena – The goddess who turned Arachne into a spider.
  • Medusa – For a spider with a fearsome presence.
  • Hera – The goddess of marriage, representing strength.
  • Selene – The goddess of the moon, for a night-active spider.
  • Nyx – The goddess of the night.
  • Scylla – A monster with multiple heads, like a spider with many legs.
  • Echo – A nymph who faded away, reflecting a spider’s elusive nature.
  • Hades – The god of the underworld, for a dark and mysterious spider.
  • Circe – The enchantress who transformed people, for a magical spider.
  • Demeter – The goddess of harvest, for a spider that helps the garden.
  • Persephone – Queen of the underworld, for a spider with a regal presence.
  • Nike – The goddess of victory, for a spider with a winning demeanor.
  • Hestia – The goddess of the hearth, symbolizing warmth.
  • Eros – The god of love, for a charming spider.
  • Leto – The mother of Artemis and Apollo, for a protective spider.
  • Pandora – The one who opened the box, for a curious spider.
  • Themis – The goddess of justice, for a balanced spider.
  • Hecate – The goddess of magic and witchcraft.
  • Tyche – The goddess of fortune, for a lucky spider.

Fantasy Spider Names

Fantasy spider names can make your spider feel magical and imaginative. Names like “Arachne,” “Silkfang,” or “Webspinner” are inspired by myths, legends, and fantasy stories. These names add a mystical touch, making your spider seem part of an enchanted world.

Fantasy Spider Names
  • Aragog – After the giant spider from Harry Potter.
  • Shelob – The spider from “The Lord of the Rings.”
  • Gollum – For a spider with a sneaky personality.
  • Elara – A name with a celestial touch.
  • Nyx – For a spider with a dark, mysterious aura.
  • Orion – For a spider with a starry presence.
  • Aurelia – Meaning “golden,” for a spider with a shiny web.
  • Frostbite – For a spider with a chilling presence.
  • Zephyr – For a spider that moves with the wind.
  • Drake – For a spider with a dragon-like demeanor.
  • Celestia – For a spider with a heavenly aura.
  • Glimmer – For a spider with sparkling silk.
  • Vortex – For a spider with dynamic energy.
  • Mystra – A name reflecting magic and mystery.
  • Thorne – For a spider with a sharp edge.
  • Blizzard – For a spider with a cool personality.
  • Aurora – For a spider with a dazzling presence.
  • Nebula – For a spider with a cosmic charm.
  • Luna – For a spider with a moonlit allure.
  • Phoenix – For a spider with a fiery touch.

Spider Names from A to Z

Here’s a list of spider names from A to Z:

  • AArachnus
  • BBlaze
  • CClaws
  • DDusk
  • EEcho
  • FFang
  • GGossamer
  • HHades
  • IIvy
  • JJewel
  • KKismet
  • LLoomis
  • MMystic
  • NNebula
  • OOrion
  • PPhoenix
  • QQuasar
  • RRaven
  • SSilk
  • TTitan
  • UUmbra
  • VVortex
  • WWebster
  • XXenon
  • YYara
  • ZZephyr

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The scientific name for the group of spiders is Araneae

Consider your spider’s traits, appearance, or personality. Names inspired by their unique features or mythology can be a great choice.

Absolutely! Funny names like Wiggles or Jellybean add personality and charm to your spider.


Naming your spider can be as fun and unique as the creature itself. Whether you’re looking for something Unique like Webster or Silk, Funny names like Jellybean and Wiggles, or names inspired by their traits like Fang and Gossamer, this guide has it all. For those who love mythology and fantasy, names such as Arachne and Shelob offer a touch of magic. 

With options for both Male and Female spiders, as well as a full A-Z list, you’re sure to find the perfect name. Dive into this list and enjoy finding the ideal name for your eight-legged friend!