Animals Names That Start with K [Fun Facts & Complete List]

Did you know the kiwi is a flightless bird from New Zealand? Let’s journey through the fascinating world of animals whose names begin with the letter “K,” from well-known mammals to rare and extinct species!

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Popular Animals That Start with K

Here are some popular animals starting with K, along with fun facts about each:

  • Koala: A eucalyptus-loving marsupial from Australia.
  • Kangaroo: A powerful jumper with a built-in pouch.
  • Komodo Dragon: The largest living lizard with a venomous bite.
  • King Cobra: The world’s longest venomous snake.
  • Killer Whale: A highly intelligent marine predator.

Animal Types Starting with K

Let’s explore animals starting with K by category:


  • Koala: A tree-dwelling marsupial.
  • Kodiak Bear: One of the largest bear species.
  • Kangaroo Rat: A desert rodent known for hopping.
  • Kermode Bear: Also called the spirit bear, with creamy white fur.


  • Kiwi: A small, flightless bird native to New Zealand.
  • Kookaburra: Known for its distinct, laughter-like call.
  • Kentucky Warbler: A bright, yellow-bellied songbird.

Reptiles and Amphibians:

  • King Cobra: A venomous snake capable of rearing up when threatened.
  • Keelback: A freshwater snake found in Asia.
  • Knight Anole: A green lizard native to Cuba.


  • Koi Fish: A colorful, ornamental species.
  • King Salmon: A prized catch known for its size and flavor.
  • Kaluga Sturgeon: A giant freshwater fish from Russia.

Insects and Small Creatures:

  • Katydid: A green insect that mimics leaves for camouflage.
  • Kamehameha Butterfly: Hawaii’s state insect.
  • Kudzu Bug: A small beetle known for feeding on plants.

Extinct Animals:

  • Kouprey: A wild forest ox from Cambodia, believed extinct.
  • Kairuku: A prehistoric penguin species.
  • Kenyanthropus: An early human ancestor.

Full List of Animals That Start with the Letter K

Here’s a complete list of animals starting with K:

Animal NameType
Kai KenDog Breed
KakapoBird (Parrot)
Kaluga SturgeonFish
Kamehameha ButterflyInsect
Kangal Shepherd DogDog Breed
Kangaroo MouseMammal (Rodent)
Kangaroo RatMammal (Rodent)
Kaua’i ‘Ō‘ōBird (Extinct)
KeagleDog Breed
Keel-Billed ToucanBird
KeelbackReptile (Snake)
KeeshondDog Breed
Kelp GreenlingFish
Kentucky WarblerBird
Kenyan Sand BoaReptile (Snake)
Kermode BearMammal (Bear)
Kerry Blue TerrierDog Breed
KestrelBird (Raptor)
Keta SalmonFish
Key DeerMammal (Deer)
Keyhole CichlidFish
Khao ManeeCat Breed
Khapra BeetleInsect
KiangMammal (Wild Ass)
Kiko GoatMammal (Goat)
KilldeerBird (Plover)
Killer Clown Ball PythonReptile (Snake)
Killer WhaleMammal (Marine)
Kinabalu Giant Red LeechInvertebrate
Kinder GoatMammal (Goat)
King CobraReptile (Snake)
King CrabCrustacean
King EiderBird (Duck)
King MackerelFish
King PenguinBird
King Rat SnakeReptile (Snake)
King SalmonFish
King ShepherdDog Breed
King SnakeReptile (Snake)
King VultureBird
Kirtland’s SnakeReptile (Snake)
KishuDog Breed
Kissing BugsInsect
Kissing GouramiFish
Kit FoxMammal (Fox)
Kitefin SharkFish (Shark)
KiwiBird (Flightless)
KlipspringerMammal (Antelope)
Knight AnoleReptile (Lizard)
KoalaMammal (Marsupial)
Kodiak BearMammal (Bear)
KodkodMammal (Cat)
Koi FishFish
Kokanee SalmonFish
Komodo DragonReptile (Lizard)
KomondorDog Breed
KooikerhondjeDog Breed
KoolieDog Breed
Korean JindoDog Breed
Kori BustardBird
KoupreyMammal (Ox, Extinct)
KowariMammal (Marsupial)
KraitReptile (Snake)
KuduMammal (Antelope)
Kudzu BugInsect
KuvaszDog Breed

Final Thoughts

Which “K” animal caught your attention? Was it the iconic Koala or the rare Kermode Bear? Continue your exploration with more animals from our A-to-Z series!