Animals Names That Start with J [Fun Facts & Complete List]

Did you know there are many fascinating animals whose names begin with the letter “J”? From playful mammals to colorful birds and even ancient extinct creatures, letโ€™s explore animals starting with โ€œJโ€ across different categories!

Click on any letter below to discover a world of amazing animals:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Popular Animals That Start with J

Here are some popular animals starting with J, along with fun facts about each:

  • Jaguar: A powerful wild cat with stunning spotted fur.
  • Jack Russell Terrier: A small, energetic dog breed.
  • Jellyfish: A soft-bodied sea creature with long tentacles.
  • Javan Rhinoceros: A rare and endangered rhino species.
  • Japanese Macaque: A clever monkey known for taking hot spring baths.

Diverse Animal Types Starting with J

Letโ€™s explore animals starting with J by category:

Mammals That Start with J:

  • Jackrabbit: A fast hare with large ears.
  • Jaguarundi Cat: A wild cat with a sleek, weasel-like body.
  • Javan Leopard: A spotted big cat from Indonesia.
  • Jerboa: A small rodent with long legs for jumping.

Birds That Start with J:

  • Jabiru: A large stork with a black head and long legs.
  • Jacana: A tropical bird known for walking on water lilies.
  • Jackdaw: A small, smart crow-like bird.

Reptiles and Amphibians That Start with J:

  • Jacksonโ€™s Chameleon: A colorful lizard with three horns.
  • Jamaican Boa: A non-venomous snake from Jamaica.
  • Jungle Carpet Python: A patterned snake from Australian forests.

Fish That Start with J:

  • Jack Crevalle: A fast fish often found in coastal waters.
  • John Dory: A flat, silvery fish with a large dark spot.

Insects and Other Small Creatures That Start with J:

  • Japanese Beetle: A shiny green and copper-colored insect.
  • Jewel Beetle: A metallic, jewel-like beetle.
  • Jumping Spider: A tiny spider with amazing jumping skills.

Extinct Animals That Start with J:

  • Josephoartigasia monesi: A giant prehistoric rodent.
  • Junglefowl: An ancient wild bird, the ancestor of domestic chickens.

Full List of Animals That Start with the Letter J

Hereโ€™s a complete list of animals starting with J:

Animal NameAnimal NameAnimal Name
JabiruJacanaJack Crevalle
Jack Russell TerrierJack-ChiJackabee
Jacksonโ€™s ChameleonJagdterrierJaguar
Jaguarundi CatJamaican BoaJamaican Iguana
Japanese Bantam ChickenJapanese BeetleJapanese Chin
Japanese MacaqueJapanese Rat SnakeJapanese Spitz
Japanese SquirrelJapanese TerrierJavan Leopard
Javan RhinocerosJavaneseJellyfish
JerboaJewel BeetleJohn Dory
Jonah CrabJoro SpiderJosephoartigasia monesi
Jumping SpiderJungle Carpet PythonJunglefowl

Final Thoughts

Which animal starting with “J” was your favorite? Did you love the playful Jack Russell Terrier or the shimmering Jewel Beetle? Be sure to explore more letters of the alphabet in our animal series!