Animals Names That Start with I [Fun Facts & Complete List]

Did you know that some of the coolest creatures in the animal kingdom have names that start with the letter “I”? From incredible mammals to interesting insects and even extinct giants, this list will take you on a fun and educational adventure! Let’s explore mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and extinct animals whose names begin with “I.”

Click on any letter below to discover a world of amazing animals:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Popular Animals That Start with I

Here are some popular animals starting with I, along with fun facts about each:

  • Ibex: A wild mountain goat with curved horns, known for climbing steep cliffs.
  • Ibis: A wading bird with a long, curved beak, often seen near water.
  • Indian Elephant: A large, gentle giant with big ears and a strong trunk.
  • Indian Cobra: A venomous snake with a distinctive hood.
  • Indian Star Tortoise: A beautiful tortoise with star-like patterns on its shell.

Diverse Animal Types Starting with I

Let’s explore animals starting with I by category:

Mammals That Start with I:

  • Ibizan Hound: A speedy dog with large ears, originally from Spain.
  • Indian Giant Squirrel: A colorful, large squirrel that lives in trees.
  • Indian Palm Squirrel: A small, striped squirrel found in gardens.
  • Indian Rhinoceros: A large, one-horned rhino from India.
  • Indri: A large lemur from Madagascar known for its loud calls.

Birds That Start with I:

  • Ibis: A long-legged bird that loves wetlands.
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker: A rare woodpecker with black and white feathers.

Reptiles and Amphibians That Start with I:

  • Indian Cobra: A snake with a famous hood.
  • Indian Star Tortoise: A tortoise with a starry shell.
  • Iguana: A large, green lizard often found in tropical forests.
  • Inland Taipan: The world’s most venomous snake.

Fish That Start with I:

  • Ichthyosaurus: A prehistoric fish-like reptile.
  • Immortal Jellyfish: A tiny jellyfish known for its ability to live forever.

Insects and Other Small Creatures That Start with I:

  • Imperial Moth: A large, yellow moth with eye-like spots.
  • Inchworm: A tiny caterpillar that moves in a looping motion.
  • Indianmeal Moth: A pest moth often found in pantries.
  • Ivy Bee: A striped bee that loves ivy flowers.
  • Io Moth: A moth with eye-like spots to scare predators.

Extinct Animals That Start with I:

  • Ichthyosaurus: A marine reptile from the dinosaur era.
  • Ichthyostega: One of the first animals to walk on land.
  • Irish Elk: A giant deer with enormous antlers.
  • Iguanodon: A plant-eating dinosaur with thumb spikes.

Full List of Animals That Start with the Letter I

Here’s a complete list of animals starting with I:

Animal NameAnimal NameAnimal Name
IbexIbisIbizan Hound
IcadyptesIcelandic SheepdogIchthyosaurus
IMG Boa ConstrictorImmortal JellyfishImpala
Imperial MothInchwormIndian Cobra
Indian ElephantIndian Giant SquirrelIndian Palm Squirrel
Indian PythonIndian RhinocerosIndian Star Tortoise
Indianmeal MothIndigo SnakeIndochinese Tiger
IndriInland TaipanInsect
InsectsIo MothIrish Doodle
Irish ElkIrish SetterIrish Terrier
Irish Water SpanielIrish WolfhoundItalian Greyhound
Ivory-billed WoodpeckerIvy Bee

Final Thoughts

Which animal was your favorite? Did you love the amazing Indian Elephant or the tiny Inchworm? There are so many incredible animals that start with the letter I. Be sure to check out our other articles to discover more animals from A to Z!